Entry for Ebitengine's Holiday Hack 2023.

I was lazy, so make your own levels or something.

Notice: since it's not explained anywhere, notice that a tic-tac mechanic exists (it uses the jump button too). There are three layers: back (gray), main (brown) and front (darker brown). If you are on the front layer, you can tic tac on the back layer. If you are on the front layer, you can tic tac on the main layer. You will collide with walls on the same layer as you are.


If you want to create or load custom levels, notice that clipboard doesn't work very well in many browsers or in itch.io. For browsers, I recommend playing on tinne26.github.io/luckyfeet with Chrome. Otherwise, just download the executable.

If you make anything cool, you can share it with me, I have some extra levels on github.com/tinne26/luckyfeet.


lucky-windows-64bits.exe.zip 5 MB
lucky-macos-64bits.zip 5 MB
lucky-linux-64bits.zip 6 MB

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